
Minimum Charge £25.00 (up to and including 20 miles)
Mileage Charge £1.18 (21 miles – 100 miles)
Mileage Charge £0.90 (101 miles and above)
Hire with a CTG Driver
Driver £13.00 per hour for each hour of the total hire
Minimum Charge £25.00 (up to and including 20 miles)
Mileage Charge £1.18 (21 miles – 100 miles)
Mileage Charge £0.90 (101 miles and above)
Additional Costs
Overnight Fee (per night) £20
Cancellation Fee £20 (less than 24 hours notice)
£40 (less than 1 hour notice)
Cleaning Fee £25


Payment is due within 30 days from the date of invoice

For more information please e-mail:

Or phone: 0845 605 5955
