When the existing bus service was re-routed in 2010 it left people in Peel Glen Road, Drumchapel without a bus service. Elderly and disabled residents were angry about the change as some found walking to the closest stop too difficult, particularly those using the bus to get to hospital appointments in Gartnavel Hospital.
A petition was started by Drumchapel Community Council and in response SPT agreed to subsidise a service that uses a flexible “hail and ride” technique. This service picks people up anywhere on the Drumchapel estates and takes them to the nearest transport hubs so that they can then connect with mainstream transport to take them round the city.
“This is a great example of partnership really working in practice” said John MacDonald, Director for Scotland at the Community Transport Association. “CTG have been innovative in the way they have set this service up and SPT have been extremely supportive which means that Drumchapel residents now have a viable local bus service.”
This service has recently won the CTA Scotland’s Best New Community Transport Initiative 2012.